Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My God

I have encountered some people who have tried to introduce me to their God, tried to convince me of their religion and tried to force me into their small box of beliefs. Although I appreciate their efforts, it is in their best interest I let them know I am not interested in religion, their God or their small box they fit everything in to. To explain why, here it is:

God is in the sunrise
God is in the sunset
God is in the breeze by the sea
God is every place I choose to be

God is in the highest mountain
God is in the deepest oceans
God is in the greenest land
God is in the dry desert sand

God is in the birds that fly
God is in the worm that crawls
God is in the bear that sleeps
God is in the willow that weeps

God is in my son's eyes
God is in the tears I cry
God is in the smiles I see
God is inside of me

I choose to live with the infinity of what God is. God is not a religion or a theory which promotes arrogance and hate. God is you, God is me. God is our journey and God is our destination.

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