Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Bullshit Artist

Do you know one of those? You know, that one person who always tells you what you want to hear while knowing very well they have no plans of following through with what they are saying, are lying to you or just want to get a reaction out of you for entertainment purposes? You know, kind of like those politicians we see on TV or read about and all of their (empty) promises to the people. You know, kind of like that guy you adore who is just using you for sex. You know, kind of like that girl you adore who is just using you for your money? You know, kind of like that employee you have who always finds the best excuse for not meeting a deadline?
I have to admit I admire their artistry. Bullshit artists are master manipulators. They can lie without one ounce of remorse. They usually victimize themselves and blame shift every negative aspect of their lives to people who are blinded by their manipulation. They know which people to prey on and latch on to like leeches until all the blood is sucked out of their veins and the leech is big and fat but stays hungry and jumps on to the next weak soul. They are great poets and master archers who know which words to use to beat a person down and where to throw their arrows to finish them off. They don't know love for others, they only know love for themselves where their love for someone is only defined by how much that person loves them. Never genuine and always calculating....the Bullshit artist.

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