My son is 4, and as many parents know, this is the age of ASK A LOT OF questions.
It is amazing how many things he wants to know and very flattering that he genuinely believes
I know all of the answers to them. One particular question he asked made me really cautious as to what my answer would be. The Question: "If God made me, WHO made God?" Yes, he is 4 and that is how he thinks. I am very proud of his analytical thinking but this was a moment for me to make sure I did not plant the seed of my beliefs in his super absorbent brain.
So, I just told him LOVE made GOD. Thankfully, he did not ask any further questions. However, that question made me realize more people should ask themselves just that "WHO MADE GOD?". If we open our minds and look past our "religious" beliefs, we may be surprised at what we actually
find when we ask ourselves that question.
Although I do not have a satisfactory answer for this question I can definitely say depending on what GOD is to you, answers will vary, and when we decide to be honest with ourselves about this question, we may treat each other, ourselves and GOD differently.
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