Monday, November 22, 2010


We are all concerned about our "image" in some ways. Whatever it may be, financial status, physical appearance or intellect; We work on ourselves so others can have the perception we would like for them to have of us. However, when we really think about it, the perception
that someone has of us is influenced by the perception they have of themselves. It is not about if you really are what you want them to think you are. It is about how you fit into their perception of themselves and vise versa. As manipulative as it may sound, this all may be necessary. It may be necessary to create a version of yourself so you can be perceived as someone to be the perfect fit for a job, a social group or even another person. What is crucial though is how honest you are about YOU to yourself. Figure out the person you want to be for you and then be it; No facade and no perceptions! At the end of it all, the best part of your life is YOU:The person you see when you are alone, without the pressures of what you have to be for others.

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