Friday, July 6, 2012


"Our baggage is only as heavy as we pack it. So pack light, for you will not be able to enjoy the journey if what you carry is weighing you down..." ~10LE

During our journey, we collect many things. We pack it all into our suitcases and carry it around with us. If one were to open our baggage, one would find our memories, our pains, our joys, our resentments, our loves, our hates, our secrets, our fears, our worries and our dreams. The heaviest items are the ones that are folded and packed with sadness, fears, anger, worry and resentment. The lightest items are the ones that are folded and packed with love, joys, compassion and our dreams. It seems to me most people pack the heavier things and only make small room for the lighter items. We then wonder why life is so difficult. Why we always feel weighed down. Why we have problems that never seem to go away. Why we have animosity with people. Why love never finds us. Why we sabotage ourselves. Open your suitcase and check your inventory. What are you carrying around? If it is the heavier things, unpack; Donate it to forgiveness, letting go and God. The souvenirs you take from your journey should be the ones you can admire with understanding, acceptance and learning. Fill your suitcase with the lighter things and allow it to carry YOU.

Painting by Jose Roosevelt

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