I am usually not one to speak about politics or give my opinion on what I think of our current president; however, after having dinner with a wonderful friend I have decided to speak on what I hear about Obama, politics and such....
Obama-Rome was not built overnight and neither will Obama be able to "fix" the American economy, housing market and all the other BS people are bitching about. Remember we are all responsible for ourselves. Pay your taxes, don't take advantage of the system and live within your means so we do not have to continue to pump the financial situation with debt.
Politics- Tea party, Republicans, Democrats, douche-bags, Mofos etc.....at the end of the day, if it is hurting someone's pockets, they are going to scream about it. When you watch the news remember that....what is that person's motive? And why are they talking about politics when they are going on a book tour trying to make millions off of that American who is collecting unemployment and has not worked in over 2 years...hmmm....
and such-If you are like me, you are just another person trying to live that illusive American dream. What the hell is that anyways? After being fortunate enough to work with people who are living in Western European countries, I cannot say the American dream is that enticing.....work work work, buy above your means so everyone thinks you are well off and then bitch about how the government is taking our money and charging too much tax.....indeed the American dream...you know, the one that attracts those illegal aliens to this country, just so people can hire them for cheap labor and then kick them out when Arizona says so.
Ok, so there is my piece on Obama, politics and such.....now let me go back to watching Fox News so I can find out what is REALLY going on in the world!!!!!!
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