Thursday, February 25, 2010


Consideration-the process of giving careful thought to something;kind and considerate regard for others; "he showed no consideration for her feelings";a considerate and thoughtful act.
The definition of this word is so simple, yet people find it so hard to be considerate of others. Even when they THINK they are, they are doing the considerate thing because it will benefit THEMSELVES in the end. Why do humans not have the gene of genuinely being CONSIDERATE?
Next time you think you are being considerate of others, ask yourself "will I benefit from this?"; if the answer is YES, then your consideration is nothing but a selfish act.
Consider being considerate, because consideration is having a regard for others and OTHERS does not have an I, ME or MYSELF in it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The only way OUT is THROUGH it

Suicide has become very common these days....with the economic situation and personal turmoil sending people into a hopeless state and triggering manic depressive moods which many cannot snap out of. I am sure many people can relate to the hopeless feelings at least one time in their lives, but if those people are still here to share their story, they pushed through it and got out.
Life is tough,compared to what I do not know. Finding a purpose is never easy and trying to understand the way of the world can send anyone down a dark path. However, life is not hopeless....We have control of our lives, we make the steps towards whichever goal we are trying to reach. We make the decision to either be happy or be miserable. We either solve the problem or cause the problem. The complexities of it is born in our own mind, things are never as complicated as they seem. It is not LIFE that gets you down, it is YOU that allows YOURSELF to get down. Life is a journey and only one entity should be able to tell us when it is over and that is LIFE itself (or GOD as many of you like to refer to). So when you are feeling hopeless, remember the only way to get OUT of it is to get THROUGH it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trust LIFE

There are many things we put out there in the universe, either through prayer, thoughts or saying them out loud. We wish for things from tangible items to big moves. However, we never think about the journey we will have to take in order for the universe to give us what we asked for. Sometimes the experiences in our lives are so complicated or tragic that we only understand them when all is done and we have come to the end of that road it has led us to.
When I am traveling down the road that I am hoping it will lead me to the place that I asked the universe for, I sometimes become doubtful or afraid that maybe the universe did not really hear me or may have not understood what I asked for....but what is the point of doubt and fear? All it does it slow us down right? So what should we do? Trust Life, trust ourselves and the prayer or question or thought we have put out to the universe; because if we can't trust life then we are empty. We are empty because the trust in life leads us to believe and to have the faith that the journey is worthwhile and will get us to the place we want to be in.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Don't let your dreams be dreams

I often sit here and think of the things I dreamt of as a kid. The things I wanted to be when I grew up. As a child we are dreamers, we allowed our imagination to take us to far away places and we just knew we were special and were capable of the impossible. Where did we lose this? At what point in life did we say to ourselves "My dream is IMPOSSIBLE!"? I cannot generalize because there are many people whom have fought to achieve their dreams and HAVE...then, there are people like me, who try every day not to let their dreams be dreams but sometimes push it under the rug so they can just live their lives and accept what is. I am not sure why that rug wins most of the time. Is it fear? I don't know as of yet....but I will continue to remind myself to not let dreams be dreams...and I hope you will too.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Our flaws in others

"We are so quick to point out our own flaws in others." Isn't that the truth? We are continuously passing judgment on people without realizing we may have those same flaws. There are endless quotes about passing judgment.Quotes which tell us to not judge people because every one has their own story, we never know a person's path and that WE ourselves are never perfect. Who are we to look at a person and make the assumption that they are not a good person or that they are imperfect compared to ourselves? It is understood, when a person does something of bad character (steals, kills,rapes,molests etc) we find many of those things unacceptable and wrong; but when a person is wearing the not so popular clothes,not driving that nice car or not speaking with the proper vocabulary we are quick to judge their character. When people suffer from addiction and mental illnesses, we make the assumption that they have a bad character. As my blogs have said before, we are taking our journey and some may be walking on that sandy beach but some may be walking up the Himalayas. We are never offered the same paths, we do however, make our own choices given the circumstances. Understand a person's circumstance and expect the same in return.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” ~ Carl Gustav; instead of judgment, take a person's flaws to understand your own.


Who are you? What defines the person you call yourself? I guess to start off, you are your gender and your titles (mother, wife, sister etc.). Then, you are your adjectives which the words that describe you as a person; then you may be your job. All this may make you feel inferior or superior than your fellow (wo)man, but should that even be? Is it necessary to compare yourself to others to figure out who YOU are? My mother has always said "We are all souls having an experience in a human body and when we die, all the shit is left behind; and our carcass will smell just like the rest." From this perspective, we are all the same; although some of us chose to live life in different ways, we are all here living, we will all die one day and everything tangible we own will be left behind. However, the legacy of the human spirit will stay; people will remember the adjectives. They will remember "this person was nice, giving, mean, rude, beautiful etc" so instead of wasting time on the status of your life, on all the tangible things that people believe defines them, work on your adjectives. Work on being the person you want to be remembered as and know the person inside will always surface to the outside. If you are a beautiful person outside, make it a reflection of the person you are inside. If you are a wealthy person outside, make your intentions (inside)to share your wealth with the less fortunate. If you are a generous person inside, also be generous to yourself outside. Know your adjectives!