Monday, February 1, 2010


Who are you? What defines the person you call yourself? I guess to start off, you are your gender and your titles (mother, wife, sister etc.). Then, you are your adjectives which the words that describe you as a person; then you may be your job. All this may make you feel inferior or superior than your fellow (wo)man, but should that even be? Is it necessary to compare yourself to others to figure out who YOU are? My mother has always said "We are all souls having an experience in a human body and when we die, all the shit is left behind; and our carcass will smell just like the rest." From this perspective, we are all the same; although some of us chose to live life in different ways, we are all here living, we will all die one day and everything tangible we own will be left behind. However, the legacy of the human spirit will stay; people will remember the adjectives. They will remember "this person was nice, giving, mean, rude, beautiful etc" so instead of wasting time on the status of your life, on all the tangible things that people believe defines them, work on your adjectives. Work on being the person you want to be remembered as and know the person inside will always surface to the outside. If you are a beautiful person outside, make it a reflection of the person you are inside. If you are a wealthy person outside, make your intentions (inside)to share your wealth with the less fortunate. If you are a generous person inside, also be generous to yourself outside. Know your adjectives!

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