My Mottos:
"What people do to me is their karma, what I do to people is mine"
"It is always better to be kind than to be right"
"Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and will always have one"
However, certain events have tested the nature of my character to its very core. I am thankful because I have learned a lot about myself in these last 6 months. To explain what has challenged my mottos:
"What people do to me is their karma, what I do to people is mine"
I have a difficult time understanding the malice the human ego tries to commit and the lie it tells itself when it does. Ego: "If I am hurtful to someone, I win." The truth: If you are hurtful to someone, you are hurting yourself. You are projecting negativity which will reciprocate and return to you. Another lie the Ego tells: "I have nothing to learn because I know all" The truth: No lessons learned means no growth. We all grow spiritually, emotionally and socially if we open ourselves up to learning from whatever experience we are facing. Growth will allow problems to only become challenges and is the foundation for improvements, achievements and success.
"It is always better to be kind than to be right"
This can tie into the karma motto, however, it is difficult to remember this motto when you are being verbally attacked or your character is being slandered. When we experience someones misery and are the target of verbal attacks, it is almost natural to become defensive and let the ego speak for us. However, becoming defensive takes away all rational thinking which take away our power to realize being right is often times less important than being kind. A defensive person is a weak person who does not think highly of themselves and believes they have to fight to prove to everyone something they themselves do not really believe. If we believe we are good people, there would not be any need to prove it to anyone. If you know you are kind, always be it. Even if a person's misery tries to drag you into being its company and serves you from the defensive menu
"Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and will always have one"
I firmly believe people see me only based on how they see themselves first. To some I am an angel, to some I am the devil, to some I am stupid, to some I am smart, to some I am a winner and to some I am a loser. We are all experiencing life in our own ways and our unique experiences drive us to make the appropriate decisions we feel we should make. However, every decision we make will attract opinions from people. Some invited, and some not. Some positive and some not. We are all guilty of having an opinion on someones decision and judging the way they choose to experience their life. What we have to remember is that opinions are like buttholes, everyone will have one. In the end, nobody is living your life but you. If you continue to remember that what you do to people is your karma, it is best to be kind than to be right and that people will talk regardless, you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary mental noise.
So here is to life's mottos!
10LE's "Across the Universe" |
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