Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Romanticism game

"Satire is people as they are; romanticism, people as they would like to be; realism, people as they seem with their insides left out."~Dawn Powell

So there,...romanticism is people as they would like to be....I would also like to add romanticism is also people as others would like them to be, events as people would like them to be, something that someone would like it to be. In the end, the people, event and something never are what it is wished to be. So why do we romanticize all of them as such? Maybe we should blame our creativity? Our endless imagination which can make up whatever it wants, usually triggered by what the heart wants to feel. Maybe we should blame music and movies, which always seem be written just for us including the fitting outcomes with either happy or heartbreaking endings.
We even romanticize our past. As I always say, hindsight is 20/20 with a slight case of amnesia. Then again, I also believe we romanticize our past based on how we feel about our present. Lack of contentment can send a person lurking in the past and romanticizing the loneliest days as one of their best, romanticizing a love that evaporated to the love that got away, romanticizing sleepless exhausting nights with a crying baby as sleepless nights of bonding with the new love of their life. 
It is a cruel game, the game of romanticism. Even more cruel is if you give in to it and assume romanticism as satire (or as people, events, things as they are), only to realize that romanticism took advantage of your naivety and pulled you in and spit you out with the disappointments of failed expectations. To avoid this, play the game as I do.....let it help you create. Create art....however you want to define it. After all, if we should blame our creativity, we are aware of its capabilities and should take advantage of its romanticism. As much as you try to escape it, it is part of the game of life. Either play it or create it.

Salvador Dali's ~the meditative rose....

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