Thursday, January 20, 2011


I don't like to discuss religion much, but this I have to get out of my head.

I am taking a journey to understand the concept of Jesus, the only son of God, who died for our sins. My current stand on Jesus is that he definitely existed, he was a spiritually enlightened man who we should strive to be like. He was a forgiving man who died for what he believed in. He had a strong relationship with God and he came to this Earth to show us all how to have THAT relationship with God. That has always been my opinion of Jesus. I know Christians would say I am completely wrong, but I cannot wrap my head around Jesus being the only son of God who died for our sins.

Although I have attended church, read parts of the bible and continue to listen to NPCC online, I still am not understanding the concept. More recently, I have prayed to God to please help me understand. I am hoping God's nudge to write in my blog will help.

So here are my questions about Jesus:

1. From my understanding WE are all children of God. So why do they call Jesus the only son of God?
2. Jesus died for our sins....we still sin, we even have the 10 Commandments to remind us not to. So how did he die for our sins?
3. Why are Jesus and God one in the same for Christians? God is the highest being, Jesus was a carpenter. Should we not only worship ONE God?

Ok God, now help me understand.

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