Thursday, April 26, 2012

Relationships 101-11 lessons learned

1. Never try to save someone from themselves, in the end, the one who will need saving is you.
2. Understand everyone loves differently. Some love with cooking you dinner and some love with leaving you a note to remind you how wonderful you are.
3. If someone is only impressed by your material wealth, expect a hollow heart.
4. Always listen when you hear and think before you speak.
5. Be the person you want the other to be.
6. Give to give and receive with appreciation and without expectation
7. Always argue fair and never point a finger in blame. Remember when you are pointing your finger at someone, three of them are pointing right back at you.
8. Never be ashamed to SHOW love. Even if it means you may get rejected. Love is better expressed than repressed.
9. When a relationship ends, no matter the circumstances, let go of it along with any anger or resentment. Wish the person well and hope they find a better love than what you gave. Energy is reciprocated, what you put out you get back.
10. A broken heart will heal. The next person to hold it is not responsible for what happened to it before.
11. Choose someone who will make you a better person. 

Salvador Dali's Love's Promises

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Assholes and egos...they are everywhere!

" I can only be verbally hurt, if I give the person trying to hurt me, the permission to do so."- Gandhi

I have had some interesting relationships in my 30 years of life. I have come to realize these days, the disappointment of the way a person makes me feel should not be towards them, but towards myself for giving them the permission to make me feel a certain way. We give our power away to people and then expect them to take care of it when the power should stay with us and we should guard it and use it in positive ways. Although I like to assume the best of people, I have noticed the nature of people are based on their ego and their ego will always speak and take action before their spirit does. Ego is selfish and insecure, which drives negative action towards others. You can never expect to win a fight by allowing your ego to speak for you. So don't allow it to do so, speak from your spirit, where there is understanding and love. Even though your ego may say you have to be right, it is always better to be kind. A kinder world, is a better world.

Always remember this.....Assholes=ego! They are everywhere!!